So by some magical power I actually got into the Nan Desu Kan Artists Alley this year ( It was a lottery drawing). So now I need to know what your favortaite animes/series are? Its been like.... 5 years since I've been in any AA soooo I need to know whats hip and popular. I plan on posting my progess here on NG and giving you guys sneak peaks at the goodies I will be selling! And you never know I might get to see some of you! ( The convention is in Denver,CO )
I woud like to know:
1- Fave top 5 animes
2- Fave series in general
3- What is your favorite thingy to buy in an AA alley
Let me know!
I would gladly help you but I don't either like anime or follow any AA alley, sorry.
Best of luck anyway!